I had decide to go to India to get my baby..but had wanted to spend those special days with hubby as much as possible ,I stayed in UK till it was possible to fly safely , my friend flew to India in her 27th week. She had a safe flight and didn't report any issues..I had decided to stretch it till my 29th week. The booking agent had then advised me to bring along a fitness certificate to avoid any last minute hassles even though flying was considered safe for a woman with normal pregnancy till the 32nd week by most airlines.
I had a fit to fly certificate with me however ,when I went to the check-in counter ,the airline staff didn't even notice my bump...I inquired on my own specially since I had to take some extra efforts to get that certificate , even had to pay for it. He was confused and consulted a senior and then took my fitness certificate...I was happy to hand him the same!
Airports and railway stations are weird places, they seem to hold some special power to make me cry a lot for heaven knows why reasons, when I am left behind or am leaving someone behind! So as anticipated I cried a lot while leaving my hubby for immigration check and kept turning back and waving frantically till I could see him no more...silly me!!!
The immigration went smooth..during the security check I didn't walk through the screening door to protect my lil one from radiations. Pregnant women are given the leverage of skipping the screeners but are frisked instead.
When I stepped into the craft the air-hostess welcomed me and said she was informed of me flying in the craft ..hmmn special treatment! My cabin luggage was shoved up by a steward even before I asked for help.
During take offs and landings..I was holding on to my big tummy which kept shaking due to the vibrations...
As suggested by the GP , I took walk at regular intervals and had also worn those special flight socks to avoid swelling in the feet.
Apart from that everything else was normal..I remember the same steward served me before the others saying they are serving the special guests first...pregnancy is a beautiful phase of life ...when every one treats you with so much of warmth and affection. Everyone I met on the flight and in the airport gave me that sweet smile and helped me in their own ways .. be it simple things like no waiting for the lavatory in the flight or helping with the luggage.
Now I will travelling my lil monkey..wonder how the journey will turn up?