..was a happening week , with loads of things to write about!
with less eating my baby gradually constipated himself, tried some natural remedy which helped his bowel movement!
Among other things comes the tale of the vacuum cleaner! The vaccum cleaner is quite a dread for him, whenever we vaccum clean the house, we have to ensure one of us with the baby to cuddle him and assure him that all is well!
That day I was playing in the carpeted bedroom, the usual play area is the living room which is not carpeted.As I was playing on the floor , I noticed the hidden sea of hair strands all over the carpet.
I hate hair strands over the floor and more so over carpeted floors...I find them so unhygienic! On the face of it they look lovely , clean and cosy. A closer look and it reveals all the tiny dirt but still covers up the invisible germs mushrooming.You have to the vaccum to clean it and its not as easy as sweeping the floor! Plus vaccuming does't clean the colony of germs and microbes growing on it.
Now coming back to the story, I just noticed the hair strands and it made me so sick that at 10 O'clock in the night, I decided to vaccum the bedroom. Usually I never vaccum the house as I have a tender back and vaccuming makes it worse. Its usually hubby who does it....asking a tired hubby whose looking to retiring to bed in a while would be same as spilling a bowl of hot soup on onself deliberately...so I picked up the vaccum cleaner myself.
On an earlier occassion I had asked my friend how her baby reacts to vaccum cleaner and he told me she that her baby dances while they vaccum. Initially she used to be scared but my friend would she pick her up and dance to soothe her, now she dances everytime they turn on the vaccum cleaner. Inspired by her, I turned on the vaccum cleaner infront of my baby.He got very scared and started screaming and crying.I asked hubby to cuddle him, he stopped crying but kept clinging to his dad and watched me in horror as I worked with the growling beast.
Once he seemed a bit pacified , I tried to show him that the vaccum was harmless thing and Mumma was playing with it, but he started crying again!
I went to the vaccum the other room, leaving baby with his dad ...I could hear him crying more.
Once I was done I came to my baby, and then the best thing happened.He jumped from his father arms to mine, which he never does and kept holding me very tight and hugging me.Guess he was scared that the monster had taken Mumma somewhere.I tingled at the thought that Baby loves me!My cherished moment !
The feeling was something that I can't explain..just reminded me of the moments when as a kid I would be upset or scared,only running into mom's arms would make me comfortable ,relaxed and happy!
This week was also another milestone.If I sit on the sofa and he's playing by himself on the floor after a while he comes to me and tries hard to climb on the sofa.He would get hold of my dress or anything that he can grope to and try to climb, guess it a matter of two or three weeks when he would be able to do it comfortably.
And even funnier is when he tries to climb the wall..not exactly climbing the wall..he tries to touch the wall higher and higher...which from a distance looks as if baby is trying to climb the wall.
His Dad keeps forgetting that we have a little pumpkin at home whose turning naughty day by day.He carelessly keeps his books low enough for baby to reach he was rewarded with a torn page of his book!
Usually after his dinner, he is happy to play on his own and is in a happy mood.Taking advantage of it, me n hubby usually sneak for a quick dinner session.His favorite play area is under the dinning table, specially if we are having our dinner.That day also he was playing under the table when suddenly he came out and pulled down hubby's glass bowl filled with yogurt.There was glass and yogurt all over the place.Hubby picked him up in a giffy..no harm done to him thankfully..while I picked up the cleaning wipes and broom.That was end of my dinner too!
And that's also bye from my naughty baby and me for this week!
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