Friday, 21 December 2012

eleven months four weeks..

We have been thinking for a long while.. how are we gonna celebrate our precious one's first B'day? It's a trend these days to celebrate the day on a grand note , many celebrating it more like that of a wedding  inviting all acquaintances. First B'day is a milestone , a special day for sure..but the party is for the little one. At the age of one they can't make what it's just for the parents to rejoice the day..and in midst of all the guests and crow we were sure our baby was not going to enjoy. We kept contemplating...which way to go? Considered throwing a get together in a restaurant ...but then finally decided to do it at home.... Home where our baby is more relaxed and happy... but then that's not the only reason. We were not sure where we will be on his first B'day...hubby's project was getting over and we were to relocate to India by Dec first week...looked more like we would be celebrating his B'day on  the flight. However things took a turn and the project got extended for some more weeks..

With the little time we had, we decided to have a get together of friends at home. We had to crop the guest lists to a bare minimum that could be comfortably accommodated at home... even though I would have loved to have the whole world on the guests list. We decided we would have friends come over on his B'day eve as well as on his B'day..what could be better than celebrate for two consecutive days?!?

December babies !
Start of the week was my baby's friends first B'day ! The week felt more festive that anything that I had ever experienced.Went shopping for baby's clothes...wanted to buy something different..but than boys don't have much options they? Ended up buying simple dresses for my love, to me he looked special even in those simple outfits.... he appears to me  as the most beautiful baby in this world even in his diapers ...there there I speak like a mommy now :)

Shopping was a total run run run...with hardly time for any window shopping. Just kept picking stuff that I liked unlike other times. Shopped for his clothes, his friend's gift and also return gifts for the party.

After the shopping , we were just in time for the B'day party, baby and his friend Krish enjoyed a lot....and it was a bliss to watch the two of them play together.

From the next day on wards I made myself busy planning things to avoid last minute rush...started with wrapping the return gifts for thing done !

Next was preparing the menus for both days get exhaustive list of essentials....list ready!
We decided to get the main course made at home and the starters from outside..usually its me who does the cooking but as it was on two consecutive days I decided to hire a helping hand...

What about the cake...I wanted to bake a cake for my baby. The initial thoughts were I would bake one for his B'day eve and buy one for  his B'day...but when I searched for recipes I found some really exciting ones and decided to bake cakes for both days...had never done icing on cake before..but these days everything is available online to learn..saw some stuff on youtube..and with the help of a friend who had expertise in baking decided to bake both the cakes myself...but before that another exclusive shopping spree cake decoration...all done..done!!!

Decorations...I had wanted to buy all the party decoration kit but hubby stepped forward and insisted that he would be doing all the decorations...I had enough on my plate ! The decorations was happily handed over to hubby.

Tuesday I decided to try on the lil ones clothes just to discover that the jeans was too loose for him and needed to be exchanged...

Wednesday...more assorting of stuff...dress not exchanged yet..decided to get the long over postponed trip to the beautician...

All he starts walking.
It was Thursday.... at least the clothes were exchanged and we had something decent that my little pumpkin could wear. As per my plan I was supposed to finish all shopping by Thursday night and start preparation from Friday morning...

But all I had finished was shopping for the cakes with some stuff still to be bought from the local store.
Thankfully one of my previous cooks who initially said she couldn't make it ,agreed to come and give a helping hand with the cooking.
Hubby had agreed to take an off next day after I insisted that things are out of control....

The week was very cold and every other baby around was suffering with cold..I hoped that my baby be alright...didn't want him to be sick with cold on his B'day. As a precautionary measure this week I skipped going to the child health clinic for the routine monthly weight  measurement just to keep him safe indoors.

Meanwhile my sweetpie had decided to give me a pleasant surprise ..he started walking..he kept on walking around the house and making us smile ..a well awaited milestone just before  his first B'day!

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